The project involves water system feasibility study, detail design, preparation of tender document and business plan, ESIA, sanitation facilities assessment and design, Business Plan Preparation updating of the performance agreement and capacity building, and construction supervision and contract management for Metehara Town: District Capital of Fentale Woreda of East Shewa Zone with population of over 36,000 in 2030.
The project intends to upgrad4e the current water supply system that had been constructed between 2002-2004 to serve for 10 years.
The town Water Supply System is Consists of Intake structure on Awash River, treatment plant[4000m3/day], booster pumping station, header tank, Clear Water Tank, Service reservoirs, transmission and distribution network system.
The treatment plant process consists of trey aeration, coagulant dosing, and flash mixing, upflow clarification, rapid sand filtration and disinfection.
After detail assesment of existing situation and identified major shortcommings design of water supply system that caters for population of 58,468 in 2031 and 82,639 in 2041 is designed by integrating with existing system for a capcity of 9,808 m3/day (114 l/s) in 2031 and 17,115m3/day (198 l/s) in 2041 for Intake and Treatment Plant design, while the clear water pumping station, transmission and distribution reservoirs are sized for 106.1l/sec and 185lt/sec 1st and 2nd phases maximum day demand.
Source Assessment & Study
As part of the water source assessment and investigation both fluoride free ground water investigation and surface water study and assessment on the existing surface water source on Awash River have been conducted.
The ground water option had been meant to reduce the future water stress to be encountered on Awash River, which currently supplies around 11 large scale irrigation schemes and 6 drinking water supply sources for medium to big towns relying on the Awash River.
Based on geological, hydrogeological, water point inventory and geophysical investigation recommended a potential site for future source development and recommended for the development of test well upstream of the existing intake. Hower; due to the Rfift Valley water chemistry; it has been proposed to abstract deep regional ground water while grouting the top 200-250m top aquifer.
However; during feasibility stage; it have been decided to prioritize the upgrading of existing surface water sources on Awash River by the Client.
Detail Hydrological studies have been undertaken on the Awash River to determine source adequacy and confirmed. After that, three options were analysed for Intake Design i)Existing Intake Rehabilitation ii)New Intake design at existing intake Site iii)New Intake Site Development.
After though analysis of options, it has become clear and imperative to abandon the existing intake, and go for side intake upstream the existing intake with much less cost and more water abstraction potential. Thus, New Headwork design for over 200lt/sec has been design with new desilting basin and wetwell.
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