Blue Matrix Consultancy

Development of an integrated city-wide sanitation plan degah-bur towns



Somalia Regional State Water Bureau

Project Name

Development of an integrated city-wide sanitation plan, feasibility study and detail design of waste water management system for jigjiga and degah-bur towns

Country or region

Ethiopia, Somalia Regional State

Dates (start-end)

September-2020- June 2021& Extended to Dec 2022

Services Provided

Produced the following Reports

No. Deliverable
Initial Tasks
1 Draft Inception Report
2 Final Inception Report
Task I Situation Assessment and Mapping Stage
3 Draft Detail Assessment and Development Plan Report
4 Workshop
5 Final Detail Assessment and Development Plan Report
Task II Feasibility and Design of Wastewater Management
6 Draft Feasibility and Preliminary Design Report
7 Workshop
8 Final Feasibility and Preliminary Design Report
9 Final Detailed Design Report
Handover Tasks
10 Handover of ArcGIS Shapefile(s) of the Masterplan for Sewer System

Geotechnical and Topographic Surveying Reports w/ profiles and layout drawings

Bid Documents including Detail Design Drawings, Technical Specifications, Bills of Quantities and every document and software to be provided

Completion of training and capacity building of counter-part staff within Somali Region Water Resource Development Bureau


Development of an Integrated City-Wide sanitation Plan, Feasibility Study and Detail Design of Waste Water management System for Jigjiga and Degah-Bur Towns: Through Assesment, feasibility study, detail design, preparation of tender document. 

  • Nicholas O’Dwyer in association with Blue Matrix Consultancy (BMC) were awarded for the Consultancy Contract of the Development of Integrated City-Wide Sanitation Plans and Waste Water Management Systems for Jigjiga and Degah-Bur Towns by Somali Regional State Water Bureau. 
  • The ultimate objective of the above tasks is to consider and develop short, medium and long terms solutions for the improvement of wastewater management systems over a 20-year design horizon.
  • The contract will be delivered under three main tasks as outlined in Terms of Reference:

Task 1: Situation Assessment and Mapping Stage,  Task 2A: Feasibility Study (Including development of Design Criteria, Conceptual Plans and Preliminary Designs), & Task 2B: Detail Designs

  • Task 1 of the Contract aims to provide an assessment of the existing situation in Jigjiga Town with regards to the water supply, wastewater and solid waste services and outlines the design concepts.
